Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

From talented individuals to extraordinary teams

The Five Behaviors™ programme utilises workplace personality assessments to help an intact team understand the personalities it's composed of and how they can effectively work together.

With Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team you learn how to reinforce your team, using a leading assessment and development program to understand, embrace, and put into practice proven behaviors for increased trust, more healthy debate, higher commitment, accountability and results. Choose amongst a one-day or three-days workshop facilitated by an accredited Five Behaviors professional:

  • Introduce Five Behaviors and learn how, as a team, you score on the key components of the model:
    trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results.
  • Build awareness of what it takes to build truly cohesive and more effective team.
  • Value diversity, using both an assessment (and profile) for individual and team feedback. 
  • Apply in the workplace, using an easy to understand model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni. Includes a follow-up assessment (and profile) to measure progress and implementation.

Why and how is Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team different from other personality assessments? 

  • Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is both an individual and team assessment. It offers an intact team a unique opportunity to measure and discuss behavior that can improve the cohesion and productivity of the team. A follow up assessment (and profile) provide for further measurement and the possibility to accompany implementation efforts of the team. 
  • The Five behaviors, based on the Five Dysfunctions described by Patrick Lencioni are easy to understand and adopt. For those who have not seen them yet, here is a short summary: 

    • Trust is the foundation of a functioning, cohesive team. Lencioni mentions trust can only happen when team members are willing to be completely vulnerable with one another. The assessment helps people gain insight on their peers and develop empathy, two important building blocks for better trust in a team.
    • Conflict usually makes people feel awkward or uncomfortable, productive conflict focused on concepts and ideas and is essential for any team to make progress. In teams where people trust each other, healthy conflict becomes a way to look for solutions in an effective and rapid way. False consensus or artificial harmony are the worst thing that can happen to a team.
    • Commitment is about clarity on decisions, rather than consensus. Committed teams move forward with complete buy-in from every team member – including those who may initially disagree.
    • Accountability - is a challenging one, consisting in calling out peers on performance or behaviors that might hurt the team. By embracing accountability, team members display trust, feel respected, and responsible for getting things done.
    • Results - A big challenge to team success is the inattention to results. Strong make sure all members, regardless of their individual responsibilities and areas of expertise, are doing their best to help accomplish common goals.

Why should you care

Get the best from your people: By boosting their self-awareness, other awareness and interpersonal understanding using a simple and memorable circular model, you’ll enable your employees to build more effective working relations, and make better decisions. Productivity will be an outcome, and not anymore an area of concern. 

Create high-performing teams that grow your business. With a better mutual understanding and greater respect for others' behavior, you enable a culture of tolerance and appreciation of one another. People focus on results, instead of people issues or misunderstandings.

Create a culture of collaboration and performance: Each DiSC assessment and profile are application specific, meaning they serve a specific purpose, within the realm of teams, management, sales, or leadership. The practical feedback and memorable tools used in activity driven workshops contribute to elevating group dynamics, motivating individuals to support others for the common result. 

Equip your team with the confidence to face change: By knowing and understanding what creates stress or frustration for some people, they can act on becoming more resilient, adapt to uncertainty and most of the everyday demands of the workplace.

How we work

Choose the option that best fits your needs

  • People and performance specialists
  • Premium training content & material
  • Top level trainers / coachs

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